Frequently Asked Questions
Answers for All Your Inquiries
Hiring a new Remodeling Contractor can be daunting, which is why we've compiled a list of some of the most common questions we get from new clients. If your question isn’t answered, please feel free to get in touch and we’ll help you as much as we can.
Do you charge for estimates?
We do not charge for our initial estimates. We are happy to meet with you to review the project and give you a detailed proposal outlining what is included in the scope of work for the price quoted. It’s important for us to find out as many details as possible about the project in order to give you an accurate price.
How long will my project take?
Each construction/remodeling project is very unique and the duration will depend on many factors such as the size and scope of the job. Before construction starts we will put together a construction schedule detailing out each step of the project so you can keep track of how things should be progressing. A construction schedule is immensely important for all parties involved to make sure the project stays on track.
Can I stay in my home during the remodeling project?
This absolutely depends on what kind of renovation is going on in your home. Most of the upgrades are minor, and you can stay at your home when they are still ongoing. Complete renovation projects might require you to find somewhere else to stay. We have effective disruption measures that ensure you don’t have to move while we are renovating your home.
What is the payment process?
These terms are broken down in the contract based on progress with a completion date included. Typically we require a 50% deposit to begin construction and the rest of the payments are determined beforehand. Once the work is completed to a pre-determined point, a pre-determined payment is made, with final payment due upon completion. This is called progress payments.
Do I need permits for my project?
Generally speaking, most remodel projects require a permit. Depending on your location and what is being done, a permit might be required or it may not. If a permit is required for your project, we will obtain the permit, handle all inspections, make sure everything is built to code, and that the project and process satisfy all requirements to the letter of the law. If you have a specific construction project in mind and would like to know if a permit will be required, give us a call and we will be happy to discuss it with you.
What is a change order?
A change order is a written statement signed by the customer authorizing the contractor to do additional work not included in the original contract. The change order should be signed before the additional work is started, but often it is not in order to keep the project moving. The amount specified is due when the project is completed. A change order also may be written when a contractor comes across any unforeseen damage or problem.
Want to learn more about our services? Get in touch and see what else we can offer you today.